
Joe "J.J." Ranft is a large, mouthless, purple monster with huge fists and three eyes who works at Monsters, Incorporated as a scarer (and later comedian). But in his scare card, it was revealed he formerly worked at Fear Co.




  • He is named after the late Joe Ranft.
  • According to his scare card, he works with his cousin and brother. Working with his brother may be a reference to Pixar employee Jerome Ranft, whose brother, the late Joe Ranft, is who he was named after.
  • In Monsters at work, he gains a mouth.
  • He is the third scarer on the leaderboard.
  • According to the Monster's Inc Collector's Edition DVD - Set Top Activity - Scarer Cards: He orginally worked at ScareCo. and Scaremasters, but he was traded to Monsters Inc. in exchange for two minor league predators. However this was retconned when his Scare Card said he formerly worked at Fear Co.

