- “"Roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. Is that a new haircut? Come on, tell me. It's a new haircut, isn't it? That's got to be a new haircut. New make-up? You've had a lift. You've had a tuck. You've had something. Something has been inserted in your skin that makes you look like..."”
- ―Mike Wazowski attempting to compliment Roz
Roz is one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Boo) of Pixar's Monsters, Inc. franchise, serving as the overarching protagonist of Monsters, Inc. and the follow-up TV series Monsters at Work and a minor character in Monsters University. She is the leader of the CDA that had worked undercover as a secretary at Monsters, Inc..
She is voiced by Bob Peterson the story supervisor of Monsters, Inc.
Monsters, Inc.[]
Roz is a slug-style monster in Monsters, Inc. who appears to be the key master and administrator for Scare Floor F, holding all the keys to children's closet doors at Monsters, Inc. She is responsible for all of the paperwork done by Mike Wazowski and she often works at an office near Scare Floor F that can be separated from the rest of the factory through a retractable shutter. Roz slams the shutter shut on Mike's fingers at one point, crushing them and making him scream in pain.
In the end of the film, it turns out that Roz is Agent #000001 of the CDA. She gives Sulley and Mike 5 minutes to return Boo back to her room and say goodbye before anything happens to her. After Boo's door is shredded, Roz says she doesn't want to see any paperwork about Boo's invasion, contrary to her requests earlier in the film.
She is not seen again for the rest of the film, but frequently appears in the film "outtakes". One example is when she unexpectedly pops out of the toilet and startles Sulley, who has opened the bathroom door to get Boo. Another is when the CDA agents surprisingly find her taking place of George Sanderson, after he gets his fur shaved off and is showered. The third is when Sulley tries to show Boo that the closet is empty, only to find it occupied by Roz saying "Guess who!" In all three outtakes, Roz makes her infamous laugh, "Ahh-haa-haa!" and sends others bursting into laughter.
Monsters University[]
Roz makes a quick cameo in Monsters University when Sulley and Mike are able to escape the human camp and are taken by the CDA. She is shown dressed up as a CDA agent with her uniform covering her entire body except for a transparent glass "dome" revealing her hair, but her size and voice still serve as a giveaway.
When Terri asks what is going to happen to them, Roz states that Dean Hardscrabble will decide that. But to rest assured, she then adds they will be watching them, "Always watching," foreshadowing Monsters, Inc.
Roz is normally grumpy and stoic, especially towards Mike due to the fact that he is constantly bugging her about his missing paperwork. However, she does have a tad bit of compassion, as she gave Sulley and Mike five minutes to say goodbye to Boo proving she is capable of being good-hearted.
Roz's appearance resembles that of a slug/snail. She has a green back, and a cream-colored belly. She has a tuft of white and grey, pointed hair on the top of her head. She also wears black horn-rimmed spectacles. Her CDA uniform is simple a yellow jacket with the words "CDA 001" on it. When working as a secretary, she wore a dark red jacket.
She is constantly frowning and is grouchy.
TV Series[]
- She is one of the few female characters voiced by a male as Bob Peterson identifies as male.
- Roz bears some resemblance to Muriel Finster from Recess since the two are both portrayed as elderly females that sport squinty eyes, horn-rimmed glasses, and grouchy demeanors.
- When director Dan Scanlon was talking about what characters we will see again in a preview for Monsters University, they showed Roz on the screen along with George Sanderson. This hinted that Roz would appear in the prequel, and she did.
- Whenever Roz notices the CDA coming, she slams down the shutter separating her office from the rest of the factory to prevent everyone else from figuring out she is really their leader.
- Up until the end of the first film when the CDA arrests Mr. Waternoose after he and Sulley foil his and Randall's plans and Roz revealing to them that she is their leader, Mike appears to be very afraid of her because she is "always watching them." This was likely because Sulley and Mike first met Roz when they were both expelled from Monsters University for sneaking off into the human world. After Roz reveals herself to be Agent 001, Mike is not so afraid of her anymore.
- Roz appeared at the beginning of the introductory video at The Science Behind Pixar along with Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo to greet the visitors and provide them with safety precautions. She also appears at the end of the video to inform the visitors that the video is over and says she will miss them once they leave the theater.
- "Don't let it happen again."
- "I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always!"
- "This office is now CLOSED!"
- “Mr. Ray: "Welcome aboard, explorers! Mr. Ray here, your science teacher for the day. Let's get this show started! I want all optical orbits up front, and remember, we keep our supraesophageal ganglion to ourselves. That means you, Jimmy!"
Roz: "And hello, it's me, Roz. You monsters make sure that your tentacles and horns are not blocking anyone's view. And no food or drinks in the exhibit. Let's get started."” - ―Roz and Mr. Ray at the beginning of The Science Behind Pixar introductory video.
- “"This theater is now closed. Exit to the left to get to the exhibit. I'll miss each and every one of you. See, I'm crying. Boo-hoo."”
- ―Roz at the end of The Science Behind Pixar introductory video.
Monsters, Inc. characters | |
Main characters | James P. Sullivan • Mike Wazowski • Boo • Randall Boggs • Henry J. Waternoose |
Supporting characters | Roz • Celia Mae • George Sanderson • Yeti • Thaddeus Bile • Claws • Needleman and Smitty • Jerry • Charlie • Waxford • Fungus • Ms. Flint • Mrs. Nesbitt |
Minor characters | Bob Peterson • Joe Ranft • Pupils • Benny • Nick Schmidt • Tiny Monster Couple • Street Kids • Hidden City Café Patrons • Garbage Monster • Sneezing Monster • Tony • Blobby • Ted • Marge • Harry Luckey • Harley P. Gerson • CDA • Trailer Folk • Frank • Augustus Jones • Ricky Plesuski • Ricky's Assistant • Ted Pauley • Harley's Assistant • Chuck • Chalooby • Josh Rivera • Chef • Waiter • Photo Couple • News Anchor • Interviewees • Dr Frasenberger • Tongue Monster • Kids • Bigfoot • Rex |