
The sign of a good movie or story is one that gets people talking about what the characters did and exploring the reasons that motivated them. A great movie/story is when the characters are complex enough that they aren't simply cut-and-dried. For example, they're a bad guy simply because they're a bad guy.

A downside of this is when the number or levels of motivations for two or more characters are pretty close together. The idea of "there has to be one person behind it all" becomes the focus and the discussions turn into arguments and edit wars as the hunt to find out who is more of an antagonist goes on, with expeditions into ideas like who is on screen the longest or who looks like they're doing the most work.

It's impossible to get everyone to agree in these situations, but what I can do is take a look into the bits and pieces of information presented in the story that usually gets missed. Seeing the forest, trees and the leaves instead of letting myopia rule.

My aim is to be as objective as possible when examining the story. What others have said before will not be taken into account. The story itself has priority to see what conclusions can be drawn from it.

I'm going to try to have the first one done by the end of the month. When it's ready, I'll add a link here so you can continue on to it.
